Emergency Preps for Driving in a Snowstorm

January 25, 2017 PreppersSurvive 5

There are several simple things Preppers may want in their car when driving in snowy weather conditions. Below is a list of seven items that you’ll want in your car when you’re driving in a snowstorm. Can you guess what they are? If you’ve lived in a snowy […]

B.O.S.S. Survival Kit - Bug Out Survival Supplement Kits - Fire B.O.S.S. & Fishing and Hunting B.O.S.S.

B.O.S.S. Survival Kits Review

January 1, 2017 PreppersSurvive 4

Stanford Outdoor Supply has two B.O.S.S. Survival Kits worth checking out.  The first is a 127 piece Fishing and Hunting Kit.  The second is a 33 piece Fire Starting Kit.  In previous posts, you’ll find articles on assembling a mini fishing kit and fire starting kit but I get the occasional […]