10 Tips to Enjoy Camping this Season

10 Tips to Enjoy Camping this Season

April 24, 2021 PreppersSurvive 2

It is possible to enjoy camping. It’s a love for many people, filling up campsites throughout the United States. In fact, ‘camping in style’ is the hottest traveling trend, also known as glamping. It’s an enticing idea to adventure in the outdoors in comfort and style. Whether you […]

5 Basic Military Survival Skills

Skills Preppers Need to Develop

April 23, 2020 PreppersSurvive 0

Many people don’t really understand prepping, they hear the word prepper and think hoarding. However, prepping is not about having a lot of food and guns. It’s about building a healthy body, having essential supplies, and developing skills. Many of these skills are actually the skills our ancestors, […]

7 Survival Skills That Hikers Learn on the Trail

November 29, 2018 PreppersSurvive 2

Although it’s a very popular hobby, hiking and backpacking can actually be a pretty dangerous game. You’re putting yourself at risk going out there into the wild and potentially encountering things like dangerous animals and rocky terrains. If you’re careful about it when you’re starting out though, you […]

5 Basic Military Survival Skills

July 17, 2017 PreppersSurvive 0

Nobody knows survival better than military forces, which is why it’s always a good idea to turn to them for advice on this matter. However, we don’t all need to be professionals when it comes to life in the wilderness, but essential skillset is important if you want […]