how much grain should I store

How Much Grain Should I Store?

March 10, 2022 PreppersSurvive 4

The news has recently been filled with alarming predictions on food shortages which begs the question, “how much grain should I store to hedge against food shortages”? Check out these news articles: Russia and Ukraine export up to 30% of the world’s wheat, shortages imminent as the war continues! […]

Why Preppers Love Texas!

March 7, 2022 PreppersSurvive 0

Preppers are found everywhere; however, there are only a handful of states that preppers prefer. A large number of Prepper media influencers, Facebook groups, and survival gear companies are from Texas. Why do preparedness-minded individuals flock to the Lone Star State? Check out the video below. This YouTube […]

Nuclear Threat Prepping Tips

March 1, 2022 PreppersSurvive 0

Natural calamities like hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods are scary, but a nuclear disaster can take destruction to another level. You cannot run and escape because radioactive fallout is around. But preparedness can make survival possible.  1. Know what a nuclear explosion looks like Knowing what a nuclear explosion […]