Prepper Supplies Checklist - Free Supply Checklist for Preppers

Prepper Supplies Checklist

September 8, 2015 PreppersSurvive 6

I’ve noticed that on several Prepper discussion boards, people are looking for an extensive prepper supplies checklist, a way to organize their preps, wishlist, and survival goals.  If you are one of the many looking for a way to organize your preps, then I hope this article and […]

How Do We Store Water?

How Do We Store Water?

August 15, 2014 PreppersSurvive 2

A person can survive approximately three days without water which is the reason it is first on my priority list.  FEMA suggests having (1) gallon of water per person per day.  If you’re storing water for more than one person the gallons can add up.  A question that Preppers ask […]