Some Interesting Facts on the Arms and Ammo Industry

Arms and ammunition are one of the highest-grossing industries of the united states. Did you know that the US is also the biggest exporter of guns and ammo in the world? Both the sectors, private and government, contribute in considerable numbers to the economy. There are a host of reasons that have helped the remarkable growth in this industry. Let’s have a look at some surprising facts and figures related to this industry in the USA.

Sale Statistics

  • The stats for the gun industry in the USA are staggering. More than 10 million guns were manufactured in the year 2016 alone, and along with it, about 15 billion rounds of ammunition were sold.
  • In total, the arms and ammunition industry contributed a whopping $51 billion to the economy that year.
  • In 2019 the economic impact was around $52 billion.


Encouraging Factors


Self Defense

Gun sales are on the rise as more and more gun violence hits the media. Many people do not feel comfortable without owning a firearm for self-defense. The significant number of shootouts have actually encouraged people to start carrying guns on their own, which directly contributes to the sales of arms and ammunition.



Obama had been promising to make gun laws in the USA stricter. His motive was to curb the sales of arms in the States. Though what followed through was quite surprising.

A lot of people started panicking when Obama was about to win the elections. They thought that he might make it impossible for them to buy guns, so this made a lot of people purchase bulk ammunition and various arms around this period of time. Apart from that, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act gave the industry a lot of protection from claims made by the victims of gun violence, which made them focus on sales again.



The industry has been steadily increasing its employment rates every year. A lot of people have jobs thanks to this industry, which shows it in a very good light. Stats show that there are more than 310,000 people employed by it, which includes aspects like production, retailing, distribution, and after-sale services. 

Spreading employment is seen as a boon right now due to the ever-increasing problem of unemployment in the country. This is a win-win situation for everyone.


Tax Money

This business also acts as a pillar of support to the government as it pays a hefty $6 billion in tax every year. Every sale and every employee ends up paying taxes to the government. This forces the state to rely on this industry for a regular and increasing supply of money. The taxes obviously end up helping the public in many ways.


The arms and ammunition industries of the USA have been on the path of growth and the future only looks better from here. It has helped the state in important matters of unemployment and economy which has gained it a lot of support from everywhere. Apart from that, the government is highly dependent on the industry for the procurement of new guns and ammunition every year.

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